diet solutions 



Nutrients You Need

You do need to know about vitamins and minerals

Healthy eating needs you to eat a number of nutrients every day. In fact, there are 40 different nutrients you need to ingest to keep your body in a healthy state. That's a whole lot of nutrients you need to learn about! Thankfully, you can sort all of these nutrients into lesser categories to keep them organized both in your mind and diary to ensure you get all the right food to get the vitamins and minerals you need.

Drink water

First and foremost, everyone needs to drink pleanty of water to live a healthy life. Without water, we become dehydrated, and would eventually die remember that it is liquid you need and water is the best and can be extracted from most foods. You lose water when you sweat and through daily bodily functions, so it must be replenished.

Drinking about 8 tumbler glasses a day is recommended. As already stated, water can be found in food as well as in drinks, so you can get your 8 glasses by eating foods like watermelon, which can be more interesting than plain old water! But you understand that, humans need much more than simply water daily to survive they neeed vitamins and minerals.

Check out your daily protein 

Protein is another group of nutrients you need and can't do without. Protein is found in foods like as soy products, (milk and other so called substitute foods), meat, eggs. They give us amino acids required to build your muscle tissue besides helping make some of the hormones in our bodies. Red blood cells and hair are formed from protein.

You do need fats!

Yes you do really! Together with protein, your body needs adequate amounts of fat and carbohydrate so we have enough energy during the day. Fats are primarily used for energy during intense activity, like walking and exercising, while carbohydrates are primarily used for energy in lesser activities, like standing, sitting, and other movements. Both fats and carbohydrates we eat during the day are be stored for later use as fat, so it is important to eat enough to provide the energy we need. It is also vital that we regulate our intake to stay slim and healthy. If you don't eat sufficient fats and carbohydrates, your body can actually fule itself from proteins.

Vitamins and minerals are nutrients you need

Vitamins and minerals are also key nutrients you need for your daily lives. These can come from all fruits, vegetables, milk, and most natural sources of food. Some of our foods, such as bread products and breakfast cereals, are often be enriched with vitamins, especially those aimed towards children, to get more vitamins and minerals into our bodies. There are dozens that you need to ingest regularly, including iron, thiamine, vitamin C, and vitamin D and the "b" vitamins. If you are eating a healthy diet, you probably get enough vitamins and minerals from your foods, but you can take vitamin supplements in addition to make sure that you are getting the right levels you need to maintain normal body functions. Supplements are available to help with other nutrients as well, so if you are concerned about your levels, talk to your doctor to find out how you can be positive you are getting all the right nutrients.
