diet solutions 



Warm up Properly

Before exercise

Your weight loss plan will benefit greatly, you've started to think about your food intake and now the real weight loss helper... exercise! Hot Stuff here!: to warm up properly when you are forced to fit a daily exercise routine into your already busy schedule can be difficult to do. Don't be tempted to skip the warm up  even though you've heard horror stories about people getting injured while working out, because they haven't warmed up properly.

Three words:

1/DON'T (technically that is 2 words!)

2/ DO


When you skip your warm up, you are not only putting your body at risk for personal injury, but you are also making the workout more difficult and less effective for yourself if you don't warm up properly. To get the most out of an exercise routine, it is essential to warm up properly every time you work out. Warming up doesn't have to take up the time you allotted for exercise. Actually an effective workout only has to be around 5 minutes long to do its job. It doesn't even have to be boring either! You can mix up a number of moves to make your warm up as much fun as the rest of your exercise routine. Remember that a good warm up gets all of your muscles moving efficiently, even if you don't think that you'll be intensely working out on any particular day.

Warming up is essential whether you're doing cardiovascular exercises or "just" lifting weights. These moves you do for a warm up shouldn't be difficult or even make you break a into sweat. The key idea of the warm up isn't to be art of your workout, but simply to gently activate muscles that you haven't really thought about all day to "wake them up". Warm up every time using good moves, like jogging on the spot, jumping jacks, stretching , and rope jumping. A proper warm-up can also include careful aerobics stretching your muscles in a variety of ways, although this is usually preferred for cooling down.

Yopu should also consider exercises that work on balance and form to prepare you for the exercises you do during your workout. If you're very short on time, try warming up before you even get to the gym. You can gently jog or (for the brave!) power walk your way to the gym, park as far away as possible, take the stairs instead of the elevator. That way, when you arrive at the gym for your to workout your warm up routine is already half done (clever!).

A good workout will always build in its intensity. This is by far the best proven way to shed and maintain a healthy weight. To be honest weight loss workouts are only risky if you don't warm up, because if you don't your body responds to prevent more serious injuries. Possibly you may be tempted not to warm up properly and skip this step, that is never a good idea, warm up every time or you will live to regret it!
